
Bowmanville Archers Pathfinder Club
Do you like camping?
Learning new skills?
Meeting new friends?
Want to be active young Christian on an adventure with friends who love Jesus?
Then we have the right club for you.
The Bowmanville Archers Pathfinders Club is a church-centered spiritual and recreational activity-based program which provides an outlet for the spirit of adventure and exploration that is found in every junior youth. This includes camporees, fairs, craft study, nature exploration, Bible study, outreach projects, field trips, and many other interesting adventures. Pathfinders is an incredible opportunity for any 10–15-year-old who wans to have fun and develop meaningful relationships while exploring the truths about God.
Its great opportunity to be guided in their character growth.
For more information contact the club director here.
Our club sessions are THURSDAY nights @ 6:30 - 8:00pm.
Our sessions include group honors, classwork, guest presentations, activities, and crafts.
Click here to learn how to register!

On Saturday, November 21, 2015, the Bowmanville Archers Pathfinder Club was inducted at the Bowmanville Seventh-day Adventist Church. It was a day of jubilee to see that for over 40 years, this church has a Pathfinder club that is ready to serve its community. The pathfinder club consisted of only nine members, from ages 10 to 12 years old, and two adult Directors. It was a small group but they had a big heart for service.
The vision for creating a pathfinder club at Bowmanville Seventh-Day Adventist Church birthed from their Little Arrows Adventurer Club. They themselves were a brand new club in 2014, but there was a vision to have a Pathfinder Club for the little ones to aspire to be a part of one day.
There is no doubt that the Lord will use the Archers to do great things in their community and in their church. We pray that when the next Induction Service comes, we will have more members who pledge to be a servant of God and a friend to man. Bowmanville Archers is now ready to serve!
We are excited that you have chosen to enroll your youth in our mentoring program! Our team has one purpose in working with them—the desire to help lead them into a deeper experience with Jesus Christ. The pathfinders will be involved in a fourfold program of spiritual, mental, recreational and social activities.
Application forms for membership must be completed and returned to the club director for consideration and induction as a club member.
Registration date: During the months of August and September, every year

Please fill out the forms below and forward them to the club director here.
Once you have submitted all 4 forms, a yearly calendar and class work plan will be forwarded to you.